Thursday, January 28, 2016

day one of the rest of my life

It's a funny thing, private thoughts... some people like to keep them private. And I would like to think I am that way, but the truth is, I find a paper journal incredibly dull! The idea of someone FINDING that paper journal on the other hand, is quite exciting. It's like... I'd like to have my private thoughts discovered... heard or understood if you will... perhaps even treasured. But I also don't want to simply broadcast them all over facebook and mass-emails etc... so maybe a discrete and unknown blog is the way to go! Plus my hand-writing in a journal is illegible at best, and I think pretty fast, so typing really is the way to go.

I came to a conclusion yesterday...I think TV is a creation of Satan's. I have tried several times, and I have looked at other view points but I keep coming back to two things.

1) any time I WOULD have spent with Jesus, i am wasting on TV
2) TV turns my brain all mushy, desensitizes me to reality and distorts my views of reality.

So basically, even AT ITS BEST! Passion of the christ, Fireproof, Left Behind best, it's time I am not praying or in the word, and it's time I am spending being de-sensitized to reality. The fact that I can sit through a visualization of my savior's crucifixion without ending up prostrate on the floor, convulsing in horror and worshipful awe, is a testament to the desensitizing nature of it all. The fact that seeing world-vision kids doesnt bother me anymore, or hearing about disasters or shootings is sort of like a "I ought to feel sad now" instead of genuine trauma, is a sign of the desensitization that has occurred in my own mind.

And my son?? well, he doesnt play pretend or read storeys, he just watches them on TV. and when he IS playing pretend, it's just re-inacting tv shows... yuck.

I can see satan grinning from ear to ear as millions of us are sucked into the tv, losing our senses, falling farther from God, telling ourselves that we need tv to relax (when we need God to really rest). And when we are left un-rested, we watch more tv. and once that TV has over-stimulated us enough we pass out and call it sleep. Then we work our way through the day again, so that we can spend those few short hours at night, watching our favorite stories again on TV...

once a week we all gather with our small groups or friends and all share about how noble and sacrifical our lives are and how we dont have time for devotions anymore and how life is so exhausting...the reality is, most of us have a good 2 hours we could be devoting to Jesus each and Every day, but we dont...

We get sucked into TV. We sit there, while our brains disintigrate, we forget about our lives, and our God for a short while. And eventually when we're so far gone we forget how to really seek God properly, Satan casts us aside like the filth he thinks we are.

But God has other plans. God can always redeem what is lost. He's all-powerful! And he can forgive not only big sins, but repetative self-inflicted and well-knowing ones too. Those ones are almost worse than the kind you stumble into by accident I'd say (if they werent all equal in His eyes).

No... No I have yet to find a good thing for my brain about the TV, save for a few sermons I have watched. But even those, If I havent really applied them or watched them with other believers to discuss, then what good are they other than knowledge I am intentionally ignoring?

nope... i havent found one good thing about TV... So I am done.. And my kids are done (for as long as I can help it).

I am of course human, and fully expect to fail at this all-or-nothing endeavor. so dont sit on your high horse of tv watching and wait for me to fall, cause I will... and it'll be great God-wasting time of yours to sit and focus on my little butt.  But as for me, I am gonna start today and choose to end my relationship with hollywood forever. I'm going to disapprove of my immediate family using it, and let them make their own choices on the matter. But I am going to empower myself in my role as the woman of this house. And As long as I have the power to set an atmosphere in this home, it is going to be an atmosphere conducive to the holy spirit, and not one that gives satan ANY authority.

I have a lot of changes I want to make this year. And being a zombie to the tv (Which I admit is far more likely for the stay at home mom than for others)is just stopping me from achieving any of them... So today I cut josiah off... and it was aweful... total withdrawl and not knowing what to do with himself... I admit i watched tv this afternoon cause I was so steps. I'll get him through the witdrawl and then do me tomorrow I guess... :( one day at a time...

over and out for today.